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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

London Recap: Roaming the City

If you have been following me on Instagram you have only seen a tiny bit of the immense amount of photos I took during my trip. My family and I decided to go to London for the first week of Spring break. It was my first time visiting this city so I was very excited to go site seeing! We didn't have anything specific planned for the first day so we walked around to the major sites within the city. First, my family and I walked by Big Ben on our way to the London Eye. It was really cool to finally see one of London's most famous landmarks. 

Let me tell you, when I hear "the world's biggest ferris wheel" I get quite scared. Surprisingly, The view from the very top of the world's largest ferris wheel was spectacular and not frightening at all! It moved at a slow, but leisure pace which gave you plenty of time to take in the view. You could literally see the whole city in one glance which was truly extraordinary. After that, we walked through Hyde Park to Buckingham Palace where I did see Queen Elizabeth pull out of the palace in her motorcade on her way to an event. That was pretty cool. Stop by tomorrow to read about my visit to Notting Hill.


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