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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Flash Tattoos and Lokai Bracelets

This summer there haven't been many trends. However, down at the shore there have been two popular items that have mine and many others eyes.


When I was in Everything But Water the other day, I saw that they were selling Flash Tattoos. I typically don't like wearing kid tattoos, and I tend to get sick of them very easily. However, these were different. They come in fun jewelry designs, objects, and words. Even though it probably seems that they come off in a day, but they stay on for at least a week if you put them on correctly.

Me and my friends Lokai bracelets with flash tattoos.

Lokai bracelets contain a black and white bead from the highest and lowest points in the world. The black bead of the lokai bracelet holds mud from the Dead Sea. The white bead of the lokai bracelet carries water from Mount Everest. These two color beads were brought together "because life is full of cycles." "While the rest of the beads are clear, it is because we all have our own story of balance to tell."  Read more about Lokai's story here!

                                     Do you have any fun trends? Please share!

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