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Monday, October 03, 2016

Hello Fall Collaboration: Season Bucket List

Now that it is the third day of October, and the air is finally cooling down, I am very much ready for autumn. Fall is my favorite season for many different reasons: the activities, the clothing, football games, halloween, weather etc. Since it is my last year at home before I head to college, I thought that a bucket list would be the perfect way for me to make the most of my time with my friends and family. As a great way to start the fall season, PJ from Soulfully Southern and I are doing a fall themed collab! Be sure to check out PJ's bucket list, and stay tuned throughout the rest of the week to see what we have in store!

Do you have any fun fall activities?

1 comment:

  1. I already managed to cross pumpkin picking and apple picking off of my list, so I think the rest of the month will be focused on trying fall recipes and drinks! I saw a video on Facebook for an Apple Cider mimosa and I can't WAIT to try it this weekend!




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