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Monday, November 02, 2015

3 Tips for Staying Organized

One thing that is extremely for me to keep up with during the school year is to stay organized. When all of my school work and supplies is everywhere, it becomes an absolute mess. Over my three years in high school, I have learned the "Do's" and "Don'ts" with organizing my schoolwork.

1.) Use an Agenda
Personally, my agenda is my prized possession. My whole life is written inside of my agenda. It really helps to write everything you need to get done for the next day. I know how easy it is to forget to do a homework assignment, but by writing it done will allow you to never forget again!

2.) Color Code
Color coding is one of my favorite parts about school supplies shopping. I color code everything: my binders, notes, folders, and my written homework assignments in my agenda. I have a different color for every academic subject. So, when I go to look at my homework assignments, I will know what the subject is by looking at the color.

3.) Cross It Out with a Line
Once I have finished my homework, projects, and other assignments. I feel so accomplished by crossing the assignment out with a line. I don't know why, but  it is such a good feeling to know that you have one less thing to do that night or on the weekend.

Do you have any good tips for staying organized?



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