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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Workout Routine and Attire

I usually run 6 days a week during the summer, and typically go for 2.5 miles. I do this to keep me in shape for the upcoming soccer preseason and to stay fit. I really enjoy running along the boardwalk early in the morning during the summer, but sometimes I feel really unmotivated and can get sick of it very easily. So, I knew that I needed to find something different. Luckily, I heard from a friend about Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Training Guide and decided to give it a whirl. It is a three day workout for fifteen weeks and the results are extraordinary! So far I am liking this change of routine. If you check out Kaylas instagram she posts daily about nutrition and peoples transformations. Every week the workout is different and never gets old.
 What is your daily workout routine?

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