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Monday, July 06, 2015

Blogs I've Been Loving

Lately I have been finding so many different blogs that I am absolutely obsessed with. So, I thought I would share two blogs that I have been reading a lot of lately.

Dash of Serendipity
I follow Emma on Instagram, and  has a fabulous theme! I have been loving her daily pictures from her current trip abroad. Emma has a great sense of style, and every time I see one of her outfits I seem to find some accessory that I really want to purchase!

Yep it's Prep
I first started following Isabella's blog on her tumblr, but then I found her blogspot. Let me tell you, she has the most perfect outfits I have ever seen. I especially love the outfit she is wearing in the picture above from her trip to California!

Do you have any blogs you've been loving lately?

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